External Resources
Career Awareness Resources
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook - https://www.bls.gov/ooh/
Career Preparation Resources
Overview of Career Developmental Theories - Overview of Career Development Theories (pa.gov)
Occupation Resource Hub - O*NET OnLine (onetonline.org)
Individualized Career Development Plan - IEL-Right-Turn-ICDP-2015.pdf
Career Launch Resources
Workplace Rights - Laws and Regulations Home (pa.gov)
Financial Literacy- High School Financial Literacy Lessons | Schwab Moneywise®
Career Advancement & Retention Resources
Partners for Youth with Disabilities: The Benefits of Mentoring - https://www.pyd.org/general/the-benefits-of-mentoring/
Safe Routes Philly Resources
Safe Routes Philly Activity Book - https://www.phila.gov/documents/safe-routes-philly-activity-book/
6 - 8 Lesson Plans - https://www.phila.gov/programs/safe-routes-philly/resources/middle-school/
Reading Book List - https://www.phila.gov/media/20210323154105/SRP-Book-list.pdf
Trauma & Resilience
Trauma and Resilience at Work - https://skilledwork.org/trauma-resilience-at-work/
Research Briefs
Evidence-Based Career Pathways - research-brief_evidence-based-career-pathways_-2019-02-24-_february23853.pdf (jobfitscore.com)
Q: What is Career-Connected Learning (C2L)?
A: Career-Connected Learning, or C2L, refers to the integration of essential skill building for a successful career through direct, hands-on experiences connected to rigorous classroom learning and reflection. The C2L is represented by a continuum of career experiences which includes career connected learning activities in career awareness, career preparation, and career launch.
Q: How can my organization benefit from implementing a C2L-PHL program?
A: C2L-PHL programs can benefit your organization by enhancing participant skill development, fostering industry connections, and addressing workforce needs. They also contribute to community engagement and talent development.
Q: How can I assess if my organization is ready for C2L-PHL programming?
A: Utilize our Program Pre-planning Assessment tool available in the Tools and Templates page to assess your organizational readiness for implementing a C2L-PHL program.