Virtual Professional Development Events
Upcoming Events!
Stay up-to-date with all the latest C2L-PHL opportunities! Check out our live calendar for information on upcoming events, workshops, trainings, and more.
Virtual PD Event Schedule
February 2025
Driving Excellence: A Framework for Continuous Program Quality Improvement
Intended Audience: Provider Leadership
Date: Thursday, February 6th
Time: 10am-12pm
The Power of Employability Skills: Elevating Career-Connected Learning Experiences
Intended Audience: Provider Frontline Staff
Date: Thursday, February 20th
Time: 10am-12pm
Crafting Effective Learning Series
Crafting Effective Learning
Part 1: Project-based Learning
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)C2L Activity Lesson Planning Template - Google Doc PDFC2L Group Roles - Google Doc PDFC2L Quick Check Meeting and Next Steps - Google Doc PDFSetting Clear Objectives Using Bloom's Taxonomy - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Crafting Effective Learning
Part 2: Creating Driving Questions
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Driving Question Rubric - Google Doc PDFWriting a Driving Question Handout - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Crafting Effective Learning
Part 3: The Service Learning Approach
Intended Audience: Staff planning and facilitating Service-Learning activities.
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)How to Build Critical Thinking Skills - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Crafting Effective Learning
Part 4: Embedding 21st Century Skills in Service-Learning Projects
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Strategies for Embedding 21st Century/Soft Skills - Google Doc PDFOpen-ended Reflection Questions - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Crafting Effective Learning
Part 5: Planning Internships for Youth Success
Crafting Effective Learning
Part 6: Expeditionary Learning for Career Preparedness in C2L Programs
Discover the keys to sparking youth passion for career development with our immersive training on Expeditionary Learning (EL)! This innovative approach emphasizes active, hands-on learning through real-world projects, fieldwork, and community involvement. Gain access to practical tools and strategies designed to guide youth in exploring and preparing for careers, while fostering essential skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and character development. Engage in dynamic activities and projects that promote career success and personal growth. Transform your approach and make a lasting impact on the future of young people. Register now to join this transformative experience!
Intended Audience: Program and Activity Facilitators looking for ways to support youth learning and engagement in C2L-PHL programs
Program Support Trainings
Transformative Career Connected Learning
Moving from wage to stipend-based activities
Intended Audience: New or seasoned staff facilitating stipend-based activities
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Constructive and Objective Feedback - Google Doc PDFSMART Learning Objectives Scenarios - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Holding Youth Accountable
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Progress Report Template - Google Doc PDFAccountability Development Plan Template - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Partnering and Engaging with Families and Caregivers
Intended Audience: Staff who are responsible for communicating with families and caregivers
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Family Engagement Scenarios - Google Doc PDFFamily Engagement Case Study - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Establishing Developmental Relationships with Youth
Intended Audience: This workshop is for staff and leadership supporting youth career development.
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)The Search Institute: Resource Hub (click here!)The Search Institute Developmental Relationships Framework - PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Growing Relationships to Develop Lasting Partnerships
Intended Audience: Providers looking to expand their professional network to better serve the participants of their worksites.
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Identifying Potential Partnerships - Google Doc PDFPartnership Development Model - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Can You Hear Me Now? Amplifying Transparent Communication
Intended Audience: Staff and Leadership supporting youth and employer facing communication.
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Developing a Communication Plan - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Utilizing Youth Experiences to Inform Program Planning
Intended Audience: New and seasoned providers
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Utilizing Past Youth Experiences Scenario - Google Doc PDFUtilizing Past Youth Experiences Scenario Proposed Actions - Google Doc PDFYouth Workforce Program Activities - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Supporting Executive Functioning Skills
Intended Audience: Provider staff planning and facilitating skill development activities
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Executive Functioning Scenarios - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Career Exploration to Support Older Youth
Intended Audience: Staff and Leadership supporting older youth who may be close to entering the workforce
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Career Pathway Planning - Google Doc PDFCareer Exploration for Older Youth Scenarios - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Data Power Up: Strategies for Data Collection
Intended Audience: Provider Leadership
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Building Bridges: Fostering Inclusive Youth Workforce Programs
Looking to include inclusivity in your program? Perhaps, inclusivity is evident in your program...Are you aware of your legal and ethical responsibilities as it pertains to the youth that you serve? Join us as we navigate methods to assess and enhance inclusivity in your program. Participants will be equipped with the knowledge of identifying the importance of inclusion in youth workforce development.
Intended Audience: New and Seasoned Providers
Thursday, January 16, 2025
10-12 noon
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Building Bridges Fostering Inclusive Workforce Resources - Google DocIntentional Inclusivity Checklist - Google DocBuilding Bridges Scenarios - Google DocSolutions to Building Bridges Scenarios - Google Doc*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Driving Excellence: A Framework for Continuous Program Quality Improvement
Create a continuous program quality improvement plan for your C2L-PHL program. Learn about why such a plan is important and learn about the framework that you can use when implementing the plan. By the end of the session, you will identify an opportunity you can improve within your program.
Intended Audience: Provider Leadership
Thursday, February 6, 2025
10-12 noon
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)CPQI Planning Activity - Google Doc PDF *Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
The Power of Employability Skills: Elevating Career Connected Learning Experiences
Explore how cultivating key employability skills can transform young people’s career journeys, setting them up for success in an ever-evolving workforce. Gain an understanding of why employability skills are essential for youth to thrive in today’s job market, learn key employability skills that are crucial for success, and strategies for incorporating these key skills into your C2L-PHL programming.
Intended Audience: Provider Frontline Staff
Thursday, February 20, 2025
10-12 noon
Employers Supporting Youth
Supporting a Diverse Workforce
Diversity means many things to different people. What does it mean to you and your workforce? Do you have a diverse workforce? During this training we will define what a diverse workforce is and provide practical strategies as well as implementation steps you can take to support a diverse workforce.
Intended Audience: Employers or Business Partners currently supporting C2L-PHL programs
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Diverse Workforce Case Studies - Google Doc PDFDiverse Workforce Scenario - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Applying Coaching Strategies
Unlock the potential of the next generation of leaders! As an employer, you’ll learn practical techniques for assessing skills and interests, setting SMART goals, and fostering a positive and supportive environment. Dive into how to build confidence, show empathy, and set clear expectations, to help young workers thrive in their professional journeys. Through interactive activities and real-world applications, you’ll walk away with the tools needed to guide youth towards career success.
Intended Audience: Employers or trusted adults leading or facilitating coaching sessions with youth during C2L-PHL programming.
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF (loading)Strengths-based Feedback Template - Google Doc PDFReflective Questioning for Youth Coaching - Google Doc PDFBarriers Activity Handout - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Communicating with the Workforce of Tomorrow
Does it seem like you and your young workers are speaking a different language? Learn the importance of effective communication and key strategies that can help foster better communication at your workplace.
Intended Audience: Employers or Business Partners who would like to support C2L-PHL programs and improve the workforce pipeline
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - PDF 7 Cs of Effective Communication - PDFStrategies for Communicating with Gen Z - Google Doc PDF*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.
Improving the Pipeline: What New Generations Need to be Successful in the Workplace
Gain an understanding of the characteristics of the newest generations to enter the workforce! Learn about Gen Z’s and Gen Alpha’s values, needs and workplace challenges so that you can apply strategies to harness their strengths and elevate your workplace culture.
Intended Audience: Employers and potential business partners looking to support C2L-PHL initiatives
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PowerPoint Slides - PDFTraining Video Transcript - Coming Soon!*Note - to edit a Google Doc, please save a copy to your drive.