Tools and Templates

Providers Start Here!

Program Pre-Planning Assessment

Evaluate the readiness of your program to support the C2L - PHL initiative. By utilizing this tool providers can identify strengths, areas for improvement, and tailor strategies to align with the needs of their youth. 

Complete the survey by choosing one of the following options that best fits your role and the platform you would like to use (Google or Microsoft) 

Provider Leadership (Google Form) 

Provider Leadership (Microsoft Form)

Provider Frontline Staff (Google Form)

Provider Frontline Staff (Microsoft Form)

Program Design and Delivery

Career Pathways for C2L-PHL Programs

Career connected learning programs provide awareness, exploration, and launch experiences to help youth identify their career pathway.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Career Development Theories Matrix

Use this tool as a guide to review career development theories and their connection to Career Connected Learning.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Career Development Theories Implementation Guide

Use this tool as a guide to review career development theories, identify challenges and brainstorm solutions.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Introduction to Inclusive Practices

Review these strategies to achieve inclusion in your program. The goal is for everyone to feel safe and supported so they can successfully participate in programming. 

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Steps to Supporting Inclusive Environments

It is important for all staff to work towards an inclusive environment. Use this chart to help outline what steps staff and partners can take to achieve building an inclusive environment

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Instructional Strategies for Multilingual Learners

In need of ideas and techniques to support your Multilingual Learners? Look no further!  Use this tool to help refresh your approach to instruction. 

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Activity Lesson Planning Template

Use this document to help develop activity lesson plans for your programs. 

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Learning Activity Group Roles

Here’s a list of learning activity group roles and responsibilities suitable for youth engaged in career-connected learning programming 

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Quick Check

Quick Check

A great reflection tool, this will help assess how a session went and identify skills, topics, and techniques for improvement.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Setting Clear Objectives

Need help developing learning outcomes?  Use Bloom's Taxonomy to help.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


College Glossary of Terms

Confused by all the terms used by colleges and universities? Let this document help bring some clarity.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Coaching Youth

CLEAR Coaching Framework

Utilize the CLEAR Coaching framework to support youth, staff, and employers in achieving their goals. 

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy Board Game: Adulthood 101

Through this interactive game, youth will have the opportunity to take on different roles and encounter various financial decisions and challenges. 

Download this tool: 

Google Slides (to edit, make a copy)


Video Instructions

Youth Financial Literacy Questionnaire

Meet youth where they are! Use this questionnaire to determine your youth's existing knowledge about financial literacy concepts. 

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Program Example Lessons and Activities

Types of Learning Approaches

Interested in getting to know the different types of learning? This document will walk you through the different types of learning with example activities.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Mindfulness Activities

Need to take a break?  Learn a few mindfulness activities that you can do with youth.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


College Application Essay Brainstorm

A great tool to help youth think through ideas they can use for their college and scholarship application essays. 

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Peer Learning Circle

Here's a description on how to set up a learning circle to help youth learn from others and deepen their understanding while building relationships.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


College Wish List

There are so many colleges to choose from. This tool will help youth focus on what is important to them during their search process.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Coping Skills Checklist

A great list of activities that you can do with youth to help them relieve stress and become calm

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


College Tracking Spreadsheet

This tool is great for youth who are applying to college and for scholarships. This will help them keep track of their progress throughout the application process.

Download this tool: 

Google Sheet (to edit, make a copy)

Create an Activity List

A great tool to help youth keep track of all of the activities they participate in.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Writing a Recommendation Letter

Are you prepared to write a letter of recommendation for a youth you worked with? If not, this document will walk you through the steps to create one.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Providing Objective Feedback

This tool is provides guidelines on how to deliver constructive and objective feedback effectively

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Potential Recommenders List

Youth will need recommendation letters for their college applications. This document helps them track who they want to ask and why.

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Employability Skills Activities

This document shares some activities providers can do with youth to help them develop and improve their employability skills

Download this tool: 

Google Doc (to edit, make a copy)


Train Your Youth Resources

Mastering the Art of Play Part 1

Part 1 focuses on understanding and implementing playful learning.

Download this tool: 

Presentation  Google Slides (to edit, make a copy)

Brain Games Cards PDF

Mastering the Art of Play Part 2

Part 2 focuses on conducting and facilitating activities.

Download this tool: 

Presentation  Google Slides (to edit, make a copy)

Glossary  Google Doc  PDF

Facilitation Guide  Google Doc  PDF