Supporting Youth Learning Modules
Employer Expectations: Addressing Needs
Module Description
Equip youth to thrive in their employment experiences! This module is tailored to providers and worksite employers, offering essential resources and tools to empower youth aged 12-24 with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in the workplace. By prioritizing their physiological, safety, belonging, and esteem needs within the workplace, providers and employers can establish and uphold an environment where every participant can truly flourish.
Additional Resources
Leveraging C2L Experiences
Module Description
Career connected learning benefits more than the youth that participate. Employers and communities can also benefit from these types of programs. Do you know how to leverage your participation as an employer to benefit your business? During this module we’ll explore the benefits of participating in C2L and provide strategies to help you make the most of your experience.
Featured Tools - Check out the Employer Resource Kit Page for the following tools!
Employer Action Plan
SOAR Analysis
Youth Employment Exit Process
Effective Youth Professional Development Planning
Module Description
Transform your approach to managing youth by learning practical skills and strategies to help you connect with youth, establish clear boundaries, navigate conflicts and provide constructive feedback with confidence ensuring that you can make a positive difference in the lives of the youth you work with.
Featured Tools - Check out Applying Coaching Strategies on the Virtual PD Events page for the following tools!
Reflective Questioning Template for Youth Coaching
Strengths Based Feedback
Coaching Youth - Coming Soon!
Module Description
Featured Tools
Additional Resources