Partner Trainings
Foundations Inc. is happy to partner with Innovageous to provide capacity building support for C2L-PHL program leaders!
Innovageous Leadership Series
Description: Elevate your expertise in managing career-connected learning programs with cutting-edge best practices, actionable planning strategies, and innovative communication methods, while also discovering fresh ideas to actively engage both youth and employers for maximum program impact.
Materials: -PowerPoint Slide Deck
Description: Get to know the principles of psychological safety in career-connected learning environments, develop strategies for creating risk-free spaces, and enhance communication skills to foster open, respectful, and supportive interactions, all while promoting trust and inclusivity so every participant feels valued and respected.
Materials: -PowerPoint Slide Deck
Description: Unlock the secrets of critical metrics in career-connected learning, explore the creation and use of effective tracking tools, and enhance your data analysis skills to spotlight strengths and pinpoint improvement areas, all while fostering a culture of accountability and transparency with stakeholders.
Materials: -PowerPoint Slide Deck
Innovageous Employer Series
Are you an employer or business partner? Access the Employer Asynchronous Sessions by clicking the link here!
Understanding Adolescent Development
Description: Gain insights into the cognitive, social, and emotional development of teenagers and young adults to tailor supervision and mentorship approaches effectively. After this session, you’ll be able to Identify common adolescent development traits, gain tips for promoting strong identity and development and gain practical strategies for effectively mentoring youth workers.
Building Leadership Skills in Teenagers
Description: Learn strategies to help youth workers develop leadership skills, including responsibility, initiative, and teamwork. In this session you will gain practical strategies to help youth workers develop core leadership skills, learn how to set goals with youth workers, gain access to a goal setting template, as well as learn how to structure conversations to provide feedback to youth workers.
Access the Employer Session Slide Deck by clicking here!